Code of Ethics


This Code establishes a framework of reference for the behaviors that FORGE expects from its personnel, congruent with the mission and values of the organization.

It is the responsibility of each FORGE employee to know and understand the values and principles embodied in this Code and to comply not only with its letter, but also with its spirit, and consequently, in addition to respecting and complying with it, to encourage their peers to observe it, to report and denounce deviations from it, and to seek guidance when necessary.

The conduct of the people who make up FORGE must be guided by professionalism, ethics, honesty, integrity, transparency, and the protection of human rights. These values are essential to meet the challenges that the organization has set for itself: to change the lives of thousands of young Latin Americans through the culture of work.


To provide FORGE's employees with a code of guiding principles that should guide their conduct, especially with respect to program beneficiaries and their families, as well as with respect to donors, international agencies, other non-profit organizations, suppliers, and the State.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights, more specifically:

  • International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions 100 and 111 concerning equal remuneration and non-discrimination.
  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

Both conventions have been approved and ratified in all countries where Forge implements its program.


This code must be observed by all FORGE staff, board members, participants of Forge’s programs and/or collaborators who participate in internships or volunteering opportunities.


To facilitate quality job placement for young Latin Americans from low-income families through an innovative system of training and employment.


A prosperous and equitable Latin America, built on ethics and decent work. We aspire to be recognized as the most innovative and efficient training and job placement program for young people.


Ethics as a basis for the integral development of people: responsibility, respect, honesty, solidarity, fair play.

Knowledge as a tool to achieve better work and personal performance.

Work as the privileged means for economic sustainability, for the development of the individual, and for the improvement of society as a whole.


1.- With Program Beneficiaries and their families

Young Latin Americans from vulnerable sectors are the focus of our work and should be the main target of our efforts. Their ability to obtain and sustain a quality job so that they can build a better future for themselves and their families based on the culture of work is the ultimate goal that should guide our work.

FORGE must offer program beneficiaries and their families at all times professional, warm, attentive, fair, and honest treatment, seeking to act proactively and trying to exceed expectations.

Youth across Latin America should find in Forge an environment of learning and experimentation that allows them to fulfill their full potential, that provides them with a place of belonging, and invites them to discover a world of new possibilities. It will introduce them to the culture of work as a fundamental means to achieve happiness and personal development. That will accompany them in the process, with firmness, joy, and affection.

2.- With the donors:

FORGE's activities could not be carried out without the support of donors who provide sustainability to the mission. We are committed to:

  • a) To be efficient and austere, always seeking the optimal balance between quality and cost, permanently thinking of alternatives to improve the cost per beneficiary of the program.
  • b) To be absolutely transparent and accountable in our processes.
  • c) To apply the resources received for the fulfillment of our mission.
  • d) Comply with all regulations and legislation applicable to the matter.
3.- With International Organizations

For our sustained expansion, we expect to maintain a fluid relationship with various international and multilateral organizations. With respect to them, we are committed to:

  • a) To be efficient and austere, always seeking the optimal balance between quality and cost, permanently thinking of alternatives to improve the cost per beneficiary in the program.
  • b) To be absolutely transparent and accountable in our processes.
  • c) To apply each of the resources received for the purposes for which they were granted.
  • d) Comply with all regulations and legislation applicable to the matter.
  • e) To share information that may help other programs to be successful.
4.- With other non-profit organizations:

FORGE wants to work with others to achieve its ambitious goals. On that path, we are open to partnering with other organizations that share our principles and values and are able to guarantee the quality that FORGE brings to everything it does.We offer:

  • a) Our expertise
  • b) Our programs
  • c) Our training programs
  • d) Our monitoring and evaluation scheme
  • e) The professional, fair, honest, transparent, and ethical treatment that characterizes our organization.
5.- With suppliers:

FORGE is committed to treating its suppliers honestly, fairly, and equitably in negotiations to purchase goods and services on a reciprocal "win-win" basis.

It is prohibited for a FORGE employee to obtain personal advantages from the award of the purchase of goods or the contracting of services.

Employees are required to report any pre-existing situation, which may involve a conflict of interest, in writing to the Regional Director for evaluation.

6.- With the state:

FORGE seeks to collaborate with public schools in the field of job preparedness and job placement of young people. On this path, we are open to collaborating with the state, contributing with our knowledge and programs to planning and implementing programs that are impactful and of high quality to benefit our target population and their families.

7.- With the organization:

FORGE employees agree to:

  • a) Not to use the goods, materials, and items owned by FORGE for our personal benefit.
  • b) Not to divert the work of a supplier contracted by FORGE for our private benefit.
  • c) To preserve by all means the security and privacy of the data we handle and the personal information of beneficiaries and donors. The confidentiality of this data is unwavering.
  • d) Maintain the confidentiality of the information we handle as part of our job, while we are employees of FORGE and also after termination of employment.
  • e) Never, under any circumstances, engage in aggressive, rude, threatening, or violent behavior, either in word or deed.
  • f) To carry out our work under the principle of austerity, making efficient use of the resources available to us, avoiding waste, seeking to keep them in perfect working order, seeking to maximize their capacity, and prolong their useful life.
  • g) At the end of the working relationship, transfer all work processes under our responsibility (documents, contracts, files, stocks, money, books, copies, etc.) to the person designated by FORGE to receive them.
8.- With employees:

We require the highest ethical standards from employees and collaborators. As FORGE employees:

  • a) We recognize, respect, and value diversity by not allowing discrimination of any kind, in accordance with point 10.
  • b) We conduct ourselves in a respectful manner with all employees, in all circumstances.
  • c) We do not exercise or tolerate any form of violence or harassment.
  • d) We contribute our best effort and capacity to achieve our objectives.
  • e) We respect the privacy of our employees and distinguish between their work and personal lives.
  • f) We deeply believe in the vision and we will do everything in our power to make it a reality.
  • g) We have true love and passion for our cause.
  • h) We believe in and exercise team spirit. The group's cause is more important to us than our own.
  • i) We are open to the outside world; we accept new ideas and learn from others.
  • j) We trust and delegate in order to generate and receive trust.
  • k) We promote and collaborate for excellent internal, vertical, and horizontal communication.
  • l) We are not afraid to make mistakes in order to innovate. We learn and correct promptly.
  • m) We encourage dissent and divergent ideas.
  • n) We truly believe in quality and continuous improvement.
  • o) We appreciate the effort, but we value results.
  • p) We work to make our processes increasingly efficient, with a special focus on the number and cost per young person working.
  • q) We know that Forge is a wonderful cause and feel it is a privilege to serve it.
9.- With the environment:

The protection of the environment is fundamental to FORGE. We are committed to ecological sustainability in our daily actions.

10.- Non-discrimination policy

Our actions must be guided by the following principles:

  • Equal opportunities
  • Inclusion
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Gender sensitivity

In doing so, as Forge employees, we agree to:

  • a) ensure the guarantee of people's human rights, under the pillars of inclusion, gender focus, and non-discrimination, in strict compliance with current legislation in countries where the Foundation has operations.
  • b) We recognize each human being as the protagonist of his or her development.
  • c) We defend and promote the defense of human rights, which must be applied without distinction, being strictly prohibited any form of mistreatment, violence, and segregation towards young people who participate in our program and volunteer staff, as well as among our employees. We shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, or immigration status in any of its activities or operations. These activities include but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all employees, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.
  • d) We promote human development in all its dimensions in a participatory and sustainable manner in order to reduce inequalities.
  • e) We understand the empowerment of women as a right, increasing their economic autonomy and authority over the control of their own resources, as well as a necessity to achieve progress in the development of families and countries.
  • f) We express our commitment to implement measures that contribute to equity between men and women, participating equally in the processes of change.


Compliance with this code is strictly mandatory.

Those who work in hierarchical positions, at any level, will be an impeccable example of its compliance, to disseminate it constantly, and take the appropriate disciplinary measures when any of their co-workers fail to comply with it.

Any employee who performs practices in terms different from those established in this Code will be subject to disciplinary measures that may go as far as termination of employment and/or legal action.

On a day-to-day basis, it is inevitable that situations will occur that are not foreseen in this Code. The absence of an express provision should not be construed as an admission of practices or acts contrary to the spirit of the principles set forth herein.

In case of doubt, we must be guided by adherence to the law, our values and principles, common sense, and goodwill, with the Country or Regional Directors being permanently available to clarify such situations.

Last Name and First Name:
Document No.:

I commit myself to respect the FORGE code of ethics and to faithfully comply with all the principles and statements of the same.